Meet The Support Team
dedicated to helping you learn more about how you can prevent the spread of hiv
Nikole Trainor
“We need to have more in-depth conversations about what PrEP means to the individual and the community in which they live. Discussing PrEP and sexual health practices can be a very sensitive and taboo conversation for many communities of color. Building trust with the individual and community is a key component, and only then can we move communities who bear a disproportionate burden of chronic diseases closer to overall wellness."
Mikael Wagner
“Saying that I am using PrEP says a lot about a person. Its says that he or she has made a strong decision to take care of themselves and to take care of the people around them.”
Brian Worth
“The impact I have seen with PrEP is the ability of the community to no longer feel shame around their sexual practices. The advent of PrEP helps put the stigma aside. The cultural impact has been to let people be more free, more liberated around how they engage in sexual activities, it's amazing.”
“Using PrEP says a lot about a person. How they think about themselves, how they want to take care of their health, and how they are knowledgeable about the options that they have to protect themselves against HIV. It says a lot about a person’s self esteem.”
Jessie Brooks
“Without PrEP, people always had to worry about protecting themselves and each time the biggest worry was was taking an HIV test. Now, people can protect themselves with PrEP. It's about time. For over 30 years sex was something that became fearful and it should be enjoyable”
Montica Levy, MPH (she/her/hers)
What PrEP means to me: PrEP is a pill that changes everything. Never before have we had this much control over our sexual health, and our destiny – both as individuals and as a community.
“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself” –Shannon L. Alder
What PrEP means to me: PrEP means history in the making, being able to provide PrEP to someone is an awarding feeling because I know I’m helping change someone’s life for the better, but more so means being able to help someone to continue to live a longer safer sex life.